WHEN: Saturday 18th June
WHERE: Market Place, Snaith, DN14 9HE
TIME: Officially opened at 2:30pm by the Deptury Town Mayor, Cllr. Richard Lyons
Snaith & Cowick Town Council are pleased to host their 3rd Annual Summer Market!! This will be held on Saturday 18th June 2016, and is guaranteed to be a fantastic event. Officially opened by the Deputy Town Mayor, we have 30 stalls selling a wide variety of homemade crafts, baked goods, candles, cosmetics, jewellery, toys and much much more. Why not also try your luck at one of our charity stalls and see what you could win!! A performance from the Snaith & Cowick Drama Group will also get the event underway with a second show later in the afternoon. With children’s rides and Snaith Priory open for refreshments, there should be something for all the family. We look forward to seeing you there!!