The Town Council would like to thank those residents who responded to our recent Poll on the Snaith & Cowick Notice Board page. The Poll was to gauge general interest/appetite into whether residents thought a One-Way System on Market Place should be reinvestigated.
The Town Council have received a number of comments/complaints that this should have been a parish-wide consultation, and not just limited to social media users. As mentioned at the time, the council was simply looking to determine whether it was worthwhile to begin investigating all the options again, it was not a definitive public consultation and we apologise if there was any confusion.
The results of the Facebook Poll were 54% in favour, with 46% against. Whilst this suggests more residents than not are in favour of a return to a one-way system, it is worthwhile to note that back in 2015 the East Riding of Yorkshire Council demanded a positive response of over 75%.
Taking this into consideration, there are a number of other contributing factors which councillors are wishing to double check over the next few weeks prior to making any final decision on whether to carry out a more widespread Poll and we will keep you updated on this issue moving forward.