The Town Council have been liaising with the ERYC over recent concerns over the above footpaths, which are temporarily closed due to building works. For clarity, Footpath 25 is the path which leads from South Parkway snicket towards The Marshes on Butt Lane and Footpath 8 leads directly south towards the M62. We have received the update below from the ERYC;
To address some recent queries regarding the temporary closure of Snaith & Cowick Public Footpath No.25 and part of Snaith & Cowick Public Footpath No.08, we’d like to offer a brief update.
The above-named footpaths are NOT permanently closed.
A temporary closure order is in place for reasons of public safety during ongoing construction works.
1. The temporary closure has been extended as works are not yet complete.
2. The landowner can reopen a footpath before the expiration of a temporary closure order if it is safe to, however they are not obliged to do so.
3. We expect an application to divert a small section of Snaith & Cowick Public Footpath No.08 within the area of new housing, however this will be a minor deviation and the route will then continue along its existing line towards the fields. Public consultation is part of the process when an application to divert a public right of way is received.
The Countryside Access Team are communicating with the developer to ensure that the routes remain on their legal line (or a line agreed during any diversion application process) and that surfaces and widths meet our required standards.
Officers have also reiterated the importance of Footpath No.25 as a route to the medical centre for many residents and the benefits to the community of reopening this route as quickly as is feasible.